Mid-century modern style has withstood the test of time, with many companies creating replicas of iconic vintage pieces. Of course, if you want to buy one of these replicas, they often come with a high price tag (and if you want an original, kiss your paycheck goodbye). Of the many trends to come out of this desirable design style, space-age-inspired home accessories top the list.
Another distinctive piece prevalent during the 1960s and 1970s was the globe lamp. A simple, classic design that works well with multiple styles, making it a timeless addition to any interior. IKEA recognized this and introduced the FADO globe lamp in 2005, re-releasing an updated version in 2023 to feature Bluetooth connectivity. (Yep, bring out those Smart bulbs!)
Content creator Lena Bodeveix (@Wollyyyx) was inspired by the FADO lamp and the 1960s and 1970s vintage aesthetics of Tibor Hazi’s lamp designs to try this hack. One in-the-know commenter mentioned the finished product was more reminiscent of Ingo Maurer’s spiral lamp. (The more you know!) One thing’s for sure, if you’re looking for a way to add a bit of whimsical flair to your space, this easy hack has you covered.
What You’ll Need
- 1 IKEA FADO lamp
- 1 E26 LED globe light bulb
- Tube cutters or hand saw
- 6 feet (or longer) of 5/8” PEX Pipe
- Saucepan (roughly 7 to 8” diameter)
- Spray Paint
Transforming the FADO Globe Lamp Into a Vintage-Inspired Lamp That’s Out of This World
1. Twist and Cut PEX Pipe
After admiring your new FADO globe lamp, it’s time to create your spiral space-age inspired stand. Wrap the PEX pipe around the saucepan approximately three times and cut off any excess if necessary. (The hacker recommends using tube cutters or at least a metal saw. The wood saw wasn’t as efficient.)
Lena mentions that wrapping the pipe takes a bit of strength. It’s also worth noting that there are two types of PEX, PEX-A and PEX-B. PEX-A is more flexible.
2. Don’t Forget the Bulb
It’s not unusual for folks to order the FADO and realize they can’t use it right away because they don’t have the right bulb. The FADO doesn’t include the light bulb, so make sure to pick one up. IKEA recommends globe opal white E26 bulbs, which they offer in a two-pack.
3. Paint the Tubing
Once you’ve tested out the size and shape of your tubing with your FADO globe, head outside for a painting party. Protect the surrounding area and apply one thin coat of spray paint in the color of your choice to your lamp stand.
Allow to dry and do a second coat. The creator suggests a light sanding first and adding a varnish after to really make the paint hold and last.
A Little Fine-Tuning Goes a Long Way
This hack has over 51,000 likes, with many commenters making suggestions like fishing the cord through the tubing. If you’re ready to take on some basic electrical work (you’ll need to remove the plug to fit it), go for it! The original poster also suggested covering the end holes before painting to give the piece a more polished look.
Leftover Pipe? There’s a Hack for That!
PEX piping comes in many different lengths, and 10 feet seems a common standard if you don’t plan to get a custom-size cut. This means you’ll have some tubing left over for more projects!
Lena shows off another DIY project in this hack, a spiral book stand inspired by designer Gustaf Westman. You could make funky plant pot holders, holiday archways, and all sorts of twisted creations. What would you make with your leftover materials?
Ready to give it a go? Check out the hack and follow Lena (@Wollyyyx) for more inspiring ideas. And don’t forget to explore our other fun IKEA table lamp hacks. Your next DIY dream is only a click away.
See more IKEA FADO lamp hacks here.