DIYThe $20 IKEA Hack That Looks Like a Designer Side Table

The $20 IKEA Hack That Looks Like a Designer Side Table

Do you like a good two-step? No, I’m not talking about the dance. This simple two-part IKEA hack from E. Stübing @herzenstimme makes creating a table look easy, which is why it has over 16,000 likes. The star of the show is IKEA’s popular SNUDDA Lazy Susan.

I have several lazy Susans around my house. These versatile turntables help me reach things in the back of my pantry and inside deep cabinets. But this project looks beyond their storage and organizing potential.

This hack showcases how to turn (no pun intended) the SNUDDA into a functional side table or coffee table. It requires a little woodworking, so if you’re not handy with a saw, phone a friend. But it’s pretty straightforward if you have some basic DIY skills.

What You’ll Need

  • One IKEA SNUDDA Lazy Susan
  • 6-foot piece of lumber for legs (½” x 4”)
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Circular Saw

Feeling Lazy? No Problem, This DIY Side Table Is Simple

1. Make the Legs

The bulk of this IKEA hack deals with making the legs for your side table. Measure and cut the legs to the desired height based on where you plan to use the table.

The creator cut the strip of lumber into three equal pieces and used a 10-degree angle at the bottom of each leg. Their goal was to make a coffee table. If you want your finished piece slightly taller, you might want to start with an 8-foot-long board to give yourself some extra wiggle room.

Use the height of the SNUDDA to measure the spacing for the notch. Based on the creator’s video, it appears to be just over ¾” wide, and the length reaches just beyond the halfway point of the board.

Cut and test one leg before cutting your other two. Then you can use it as a template for your remaining table legs.

2. Slide Legs Onto the SNUDDA

Sand the rough edges of your new legs, then slide them onto the SNUDDA. That’s it! Can’t get much simpler than a two-step DIY project.

Find Your Why Before You DIY

Some of the common pushback on this hack has to do with its simplicity. Many commenters want to know why make something so simple when you can likely get a similar table from IKEA for an affordable price. I say it all depends on your why.

Maybe you already have a lazy susan that you don’t use. Or if you adore DIY projects, the ability to craft something yourself is always appealing.

Plus, there is a bit of a price factor to consider. If you buy the SNUDDA new, it costs $17.99. It’s also a good bet that if you’re into DIY you have some spare lumber already. Theoretically, you can get a solid wood table that tells a story for less than $20. Pretty cool.

Put Your Personal Spin on This Side Table

Making your own table gives you more control over things like how tall you want it to be, the color, and the finish. You could also add a fun detail like a stencil or mosaic tiles to the top. Therefore, you have more possibilities to put a creative spin on things.

Someone suggested putting the lazy susan upside-down and inserting another disc on top to make it a rotating table, but the hacker responded that the visual, “doesn’t look very nice the other way around.” But, hey, you do you.

Decide for yourself. Scope out this SNUDDA hack, and find even more awesome IKEA transformations and DIY inspo by following E. Stübing @herzenstimme.

And make sure to check out our other SNUDDA table hack for an even simpler project. Or go in an entirely different direction and create a cat tree. Have a lazy Susan hack you’ve tried? Spin it for us in the comments.

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