DIYIKEA BILLY Bookcase Becomes A Stylish Credenza (Looks So Luxe!)

IKEA BILLY Bookcase Becomes A Stylish Credenza (Looks So Luxe!)

Some things in life stand the test of time, like sliced bread, Post-It Notes, and Velcro. These things haven’t changed much since their introductions decades ago, yet they continue to be an integral part of everyday life. Another item we can add to this list is the IKEA BILLY bookcase.

The BILLY has been a staple since its debut in the late 1970s, offering a practical storage system with a simple style. The benefit of the BILLY’s straightforward design is that it’s moldable to pretty much any aesthetic. Combine this versatility with the storage aspect, and it’s no wonder this IKEA best-seller is the star in so many viral hacks and DIY projects. 

Manon Kleijn (@maisondemanon) gives us another example of how to turn the basic BILLY into a more sophisticated storage solution. She turns extra shelves into flip-down doors, turning the BILLY open shelving into a closed-storage credenza.

What You Will Need

  • 3 IKEA BILLY Bookshelf (31.5” x 11” x 41.75”)
  • 6 IKEA BILLY Shelves (30” x 10”)
  • 6 IKEA ULTRUSTA push opener fittings
  • 12 Hidden hinges (more details in step three)
  • Screwgun/Drill
  • Screws

Give the BILLY Bookcase a Boost With Easy Flip-Down Doors

1. Assemble the BILLYs

Assemble the three BILLY bookcases according to the IKEA instructions. Each bookcase comes with two adjustable shelves. If you plan to use the bottom of the bookcase as one of your closed storage spaces (like Manon’s), do step three on these pieces before assembling.

2. Install UTRUSTA Fittings

IKEA sells the UTRUSTA push opener fittings in a two-pack, so you need three packs, two for each door. Use the pre-drilled holes on the side of the cabinet to attach the push openers. Make sure you know exactly where you want to put all of your shelves so you put the UTRUSTA pieces in the proper spots.

3. Make the FLIP-Down Doors

Manon uses extra BILLY shelves as the doors on her storage cabinet. She instructs, “Place two planks on the floor and drill holes to attach the hinges so that the plank below will function as the door and the other plank will function as the shelf in your cabinet.” Manon used these spring hinges from Hornbach, a European-based home improvement retailer, but these hidden hinges on Amazon are similar.

The bottom shelf of the BILLY is not moveable. Therefore, you’ll want to do this step first to get the hinges in the proper place before assembling your BILLY bookcases if you plan to add doors to the bottom portions. 

4. Secure the Shelves

Screw the shelves in place through the back of the BILLY bookshelf using appropriately sized screws. This step is a safety precaution to keep the shelves from moving when you open and close the doors.

Small Budget Meets Big Style

In a perfect world, we’d all probably love to get high-quality, real wood furniture that will last forever. However, when you’re working with a tight budget or want to focus the majority of your money on other things, a savvy hack becomes super appealing. You get to create something that looks good, provides functionality, and is relatively durable without breaking the bank.

Plus, the BILLY is pretty solid, and the oak effect has a nice look to it. I think the Birch, Dark Brown Oak, and Brown Walnut color options would also look good if you’re looking for a lighter or darker finish.

For moderate storage and display pieces, this unit is likely to last you for quite a while. This particular project costs roughly $300. The finished project looks great. I think the hacker did an excellent job making simple bookcases into a more stylish storage piece without the need for a lot of master carpentry skills, sawing, and measuring. What do you think?

Make sure to check out the hack and follow Manon Kleijn @maisondemanon on Instagram. Then, take a look at these other IKEA BILLY hacks to discover more ways to transform one of IKEA’s hottest sellers.

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